- Essential newsgathering and verification resources for journalists [enlace]
- Verification handbook. A definitive guide to verifying digital content for emergency coverage. Authored by leading journalists from the BBC, Storyful, ABC, Digital First Media and other verification experts, the Verification Handbook is a groundbreaking new resource for journalists and aid providers. It provides the tools, techniques and step-by-step guidelines for how to deal with user-generated content (UGC) during emergencies. [enlace]
- Brands Look Far and Wide for a Niche in Virtual Reality [enlace]
- "What are the best practices for crowdsourcing the reporting process?" [enlace]
- A new Google-backed website wants to help journalists gather, verify, and create stories from user-generated content [enlace]
- "Podcasting in 2015" [enlace]
- "How one blog helped spark The New York Times’ digital evolution"[enlace]
- How the workplace needs to change for Generation Z [enlace]
- Jung & Naiv, an interview show born and popularized on YouTube [enlace]
- "20 new projects are awarded $35,000 Knight Prototype Fund grants" [enlace]
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